Friday, October 17, 2008

Breast Cancer Walk. I Will Keep Walking

P.S. from my other posts. I really miss having a mom and wish she were here and these walks were unnecessary. (Wasn't she just so cute?) With that said, she isn't here and they are necessary, so until they find a cure, I will keep walking in the hopes of saving some other 16 year old from losing her mom.....
2008 Cindy Breninger


Barbara said...

Good for you! I lost my dad to cancer a year ago yesterday. Keep it up! Your mom loved you a lot, and if you're like me, you'll miss her every day for the rest of your life. Doing positive things help. YOU GO GIRL!


Nina;-) said...

Hi Cindy. Good for you. I too have lost family members to cancer. My Greandfather whom I was VERY close to died 8 Years ago to cancer and there is not a day that goes by that I Do not think of him.
Visit my blog anytime, not much to say just random rambling by me about my life, kids and the hubby

Emilie said...


You don't know me at all. I have been writing in a blog about losing my mom to breast cancer. She just died on February 7, 2009. I miss my mom too. I walked for her in October, when she was still alive and raised nearly $1500 for ACS Breast Cancer. When did you lose your mom. Also...feel free to check out my blog at