Friday, October 26, 2007

Gay Marriage. Why not?

I am straight. I always have been and most likely always will be. With that being said, I have a few friends who are, shall I say it?-ok, I will, they are in love. Not only are they in love, but they are gay.

The other day I was with a group of kids and one asked what the word gay meant. I told them that if a man loves another man, he is gay. If a woman loves another woman, she is gay. The kids thought about his for a while and one asked me if they could get married if they loved each other. I said, no, not in the state we live in. The kids seemed intrigued by this and one of them asked, "Well, that is just silly. If two people who love each other are happy, why can't they be married?" I didn't have an answer.

I have been thinking about this quite a lot and it bothers me. Why do people care if they get married? They aren't hurting anyone. I have seen many marriages fail, my own included, and I don't see why it is such a big deal for them to be married. I have seen how much my friend loves his boyfriend and how unfair it is that they can't be married.

As the kids said, "If two people are in love, why can't they get married?" Did you get the part where it said, "two people", not just a man and a woman?

I am not trying to start a debate on this, I just think it is something to think about.
(c)2007 Cindy Breninger. All Rights Reserved.


Anonymous said...

I had a friend who used to comment on this with a humorous slant, "Everyone should have the right to suffer in marriage." Its true. Whether its the "norm" or not is not my business, and should not be for our government to dictate. If no one is being hurt, violated, abused, or forced into anything.... if it is a mutual commitment, well then it should be their right.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your thoughts. I am a gay man who may or may not ever settle down, but I do feel for my firends who are in relationships and cannot get married.

I am posting a link to your sweet post in my new blog: joyfulDisciple.